Labor and Social Security Law

Business Field Description

Labor and Social Security Law

Talo Hukuk works in continuous communication with its clients’ human resources units and ensures that the entire procedure is carried out in accordance with the legal regulations from the beginning to the end of the employment process and supports the rearrangement of the client practice for compliance with the legislation when deemed necessary.

In addition, he provides advocacy and consultancy services for the elimination of legal disputes regarding the labor receivables and compensation rights of employees’ clients subject to Labor Laws.

Some of the services provided in the field of Labor and Social Security Law are:

  • Drafting collective bargaining agreements and negotiating
  • Settlement or litigation of termination of the contract and dismissal
  • Providing consultancy and fulfillment of obligations on criminal and legal responsibilities related to occupational accidents and diseases
  • Ensuring compliance of working environments with the legislation in force, especially in terms of health and safety
  • Preparation and revision of the employee personnel file
  • Updating and/or reorganizing employment contracts and related procedures in the light of the Court of Cassation practice
  • Preparation of minutes, defense request letters, warning and termination notices specific to each concrete situation
  • Preparing training services related to obligations arising from Labor Law and submitting them to the relevant departments
  • Resolution of disputes related to trade union activities